Saturday, October 13, 2012

air jordan classic

vantage of these bases,oakley optics, from the sea around to Hainan south-east of the island. EP3EIII EP3 than then collided with the F-8 advanced much collider Not improved performance, but to improve the electronic surveillance equipment,air jordan classic, because a large number of military electronic equipment to take radiation shielding measures wireless call encryption digital telephone. Aircraft EP3EIII night secretly drill into China's maritime exclusive economic zone, from our territorial waters line is now only 40 nautical miles. Surveillance radar information Lieutenant Tom found a powerful source of radiation in the Yulin Gang northwest at this time, in order to intercept the frequency of its work, work, the Regensdorf Captain command aircraft steering and progress approximation. Surrounding did not find the enemy.
Suddenly left front frame low-speed propeller small aircraft warning light signals they have invaded oak
?ley's exclusive economic zone is illegal to engage in reconnaissance activities, let them leave. If the Q6 heavy machine may put Regensdorf scared off, surprised more than he found each other only decided to ignore the small aircraft, of course, the report sent to the base. He ignored so small airplane how will find them in the middle of the night.
I command U.S. aircraft pilots again the international public call for help channel, immediately stop the illegal surveillance activities, leaving China's exclusive economic zone. The Regensdorf still ignore the small plane soon disappeared in the night secretly. The EP

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